All Of Life’s Delights Await!


You are so caught up with being reasonable.


Being sensible.


Being logical.


And what does that get you?


Survival, I guess.


Maybe a little more.


But nothing like the life you really truly want.


You are bound up by relationships that don’t feel good.


Work that is adequate.


A body that seems to get tireder every day.


Just enough money to almost make it to the end of the pay period.


Maybe a holiday or two on credit each year or three, if you take on that second job.


A few drinks on an evening.


Maybe, go to dinner with a friend every so often if you can make the budget go that far.


But that is kinda it.


Day in, day out.


Working to keep a roof over your head and pay the bills and have the same painful conversations with your loved ones and maybe, pop into your religious organisation a lot to try and drown out the boredom.


To try and feel like you are doing what matters.


But you know this is not the life you wanted?


As I asked in an earlier post and also, in the video, where is the joy, the exhilaration? WHERE IS IT?


When will you awaken to the fact that you are choosing this boredom? EVERY DAY, you are choosing this!


Telling yourself that you should be happy that you are even this ‘lucky’ and I am all for gratitude but come on!!!!, YOU ARE CHOOSING THIS?!! You, spiritual warrior, you?!!!!


I know that going after your dreams can feel so freaking tough at times but surely, the idea of dying having NEVER REALLY LIVED, is even more terrifying?!


Or is your need for safety so powerful that you will literally sell your soul to get it?




All of life’s delights are available to those with the boldness to get on the narrow path to their dreams.


It can seem lonely at times.


It will feel scary before you realise that actually, the whole universe is on your side and wants you to win.


And if you will stay on path, you will realise your dreams.


There is always a way.


It may not be the way you thought but there is always a way!


You gotta say YES though.




Not a ‘show me every step that I have to take first and then maybe I will consider it’ kinda YES because this is a faith walk.


It does not work that way.


You literally have to show willing even in what seems to be darkness.


And that, in some ways, is part of the adventure. The not-knowing but the exhilaration of KNOWING that somehow it will work!


The wondering if you can hack another moment and then the realisation that you are more powerful than you thought.


All of life’s delights await the bold.




And before you go, WHEN FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS HURT is here for you, if you are that determined spiritual person who is fed up with the pain you have come to expect and live with, when it comes to your extended family.


Over 7 days, we will explore ideas, mindsets, solutions to help you heal and handle this area of your life with a lot more peace and grace.


Take a look at


Surely, it is time to say yes to peace.


Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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