Member-only story

All You Need Is The Smallest Measure Of Faith


“The Lord answered, “If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘May you be uprooted and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you!”

From the Bible

You do not need to be some giant of faith and trust…

You do not need to be able to see visions and dreams…

You do not need to be able to meditate for 2 hours before breaking concentration

You do not need anything much really…

Just a willingness to believe that the dream in your heart is yours to create

And the faith to keep taking action towards it.

Just the teeniest tiniest amount of faith is enough

Just enough to keep you taking the next step

Because for most people, that is the problem — they just do not even believe enough to take the next step

And so they don’t do it

They tell themselves all kinds of great sounding reasons for why they are still talking about it rather than actually doing it…



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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