Be Unstoppable
Where is your focus?
On all the drama and nonsense
Or have you taken the time to build out your vision within you
Have you written it down?
Numerous times?
Kept it top of mind?
Focused on it to the point of obsession?
Fully committed to see it come to pass?
Or did you focus for a bit and then decide that as it had not come yet then it must be impossible for you?
Did you blame the Divine by saying it must not be his/her will? or that you are waiting for the right door to be opened for you?
Did you tell yourself that you are being spiritual when really you are being wimpy? #Sorrybutnotsorry
Do you want the life you desire or not?
If you want it, KNOW THIS, you can have it
Yes, to most people you will be too obsessive and too much and too attached etc etc
So what?
Let them keep their average existence
You go for your complete birthright
And if you are that spirit-driven entrepreneur determined to make at least $5K online, doing whatever you want to do, join me for MAKE SALES EVERYDAY the free 5 day bootcamp I am putting on for the community —
Much Amazing Love