Change The Tone Of Your Life By Doing This One Simple Thing
Your beliefs are determining how your life plays out.
Your beliefs about God.
Your beliefs about what you are allowed to have.
Your beliefs about what is possible for you.
Your beliefs about where you have to work.
Your beliefs about whether people of your race find it easy to create wealth, get educated, start businesses or not.
Your beliefs about whether all the best love partners are gone or not.
Your beliefs about each and EVERY facet of your life is determining the tone of your life.
I have certain minimum standards in my life and no matter what hell is breaking loose, those areas of my life are never impacted.
You have that too.
The question is, are those standards and beliefs supporting what you SAY you want?
And do you know what to do to change things when you finally notice that something you are believing is keeping you from your good?
Most people do not get as far as the second question because they do not even realise that they have SET THEIR OWN STANDARDS for how life is playing out.
They just think they have no choice in the matter.
You do know you have choice, right?
You do believe in the concept of free will, right?
In which case, do you want to learn how to change the tone of your life?
Do you want to learn how to break free of self-imposed limitations that make feel like impossible roadblocks but I can assure you that they are not.
Are you willing?
If yes, then I can show you how I have done it and continue to do it for any area that feels less than what I want.
Thankfully, those areas are decreasing and decreasing but only because I am VERY deliberate about it and NOTHING & NO ONE is allowed to get in the way of my total prosperity.
Are you ready to get deliberate?
Then work with me for 21 days at a significantly reduced rate in my BRAND NEW coaching Intensive — RETURN HOME TO PEACE & PLENTY.
Your true home is prosperity in all areas of life.
Will you claim it?
I keep asking you this because i need you to realise that it really is COMPLETELY up to you. No one, nothing, not even the Divine is keeping anything from you.
So, do you want it?
If you do want increased prosperity then I can support you in becoming a clear channel for peace and plenty.
Pop over to
🔴 3 mastermind coaching calls which begin Saturday 22nd Feb, depending on what works best for you. We will determine a time between us.
🔴 Receive 15 audios 5 days on, 2 days off starting Monday 17th February — This is deep, immersive training — Some worksheets are included.
🔴 Receive a bonus copy of SPIRIT SEX SUCCESS — Worth $2500 — Private coaching program I ran fairly recently — You get the training part as a bonus (details below).
You will…
✅ Discover how to use affirmation, imagination, prayers, decrees to create prosperity in the right way so that it works.
✅ Understand how deliberate design works so that you are not just dependent on blind hope that the Divine will smile on you this time and instead, you start to own your ability to physically manifest the prosperous life you desire.
✅ Identify and Remove the blocks that keep you from creating your total vision with ease.
✅ Understand why you may have been religious your whole life and still not be experiencing the fullness of life that you expected.
✅ Notice the thought patterns that keep you from your own prosperity and learn how to easily shift and change them.
✅ Learn very specific techniques and strategies for becoming an expert at creating prosperity in your life and you will also be able to support others in doing the same.
✅ Discover what to do when it feels like life is taking a bad turn — What thoughts to avoid and what behaviours to implement so that you do not make matters even worse — You will realise that your power to create can work for or against you, dependent on what you choose to do in this critical times.
✅ Learn how to handle relationships, be it personal or business, that seem to be draining your energy — Discover how to VERY VERY quickly shift the energy in the relationship and see it being resolved so easily. Relationships are the major area where we lose our power — This is a vital and yet, very simple technique for taking your power back and the person does not even need to be physically with you.
✅ Use a simple technique to return health to your body and raise your energy quickly.
✅ Get your feminine and masculine energies into alignment so that you are a clear channel for prosperity.
✅ Learn simple daily do’s and don’ts that will accelerate your ability to bring your prosperity into the physical.
Pop over to to get all the details.
It is time to come back home to your TRUE DESIGN self.
Much Amazing Love