Deliberate Magic


There is magic within you.


You may doubt it.


You might even think the idea of being magical is evil.


But there is still magic within you.


For the most part, you are unaware of this magic and so it is being used to passively create a so-so existence.


But if you would get deliberate about it, you would be surprised at all that is possible for you.


You contain the same power that created this world.


You contain limitless wisdom.


You contain the power to create whatever you desire out of life. You simply need to awaken to it.


And for a while now, I have been considering putting a book together to show you how to be deliberate about the magic within you but I felt unworthy. Yes, I have designed and created a great life but it is not perfect. Who am I to show you the power of deliberate design? or so I thought and still think (if we are being honest)


Besides there are many books on manifestation, faith, magic and all that — Surely, if you cared, you could use any one of those but the nudge would not go away.


I have written many books in the past but this one seemed to need to be born as well but could I? would I? And if I did, would you use it to elevate your life or would you just ignore it like many of the things that you have ignored to date?


It is one thing to want change and a completely other thing to be willing to change.


But the nudge continued to persist in bringing the book back to mind and I realise now that though it is written for you, mine is simply to deliver it and what you do with it after that is completely up to you. I want to give you everything but as I said, it is up to you to use it and to see its value.


The Divine wants you to elevate beyond what you have to date and that is why I am feeling called to write this book — Will you join me? Will you hold me accountable and will you also hold yourself accountable to use the simple strategies to change your life?


Freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance and love — Total prosperity can be yours. Will you allow it?


If yes, come join me at — Sign up, you will receive an email detailing where to be for the book.


Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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