Ditch The Resentment. Power Up Gratitude. Create Abundance & Wealth

You have been working your socks off!

And so far, nothing much to show for it!

You look around and see others that do less than you and you feel angry, resentful, kinda yukky inside…

And that brings you right down, honey…


Down to a place where you cannot win.

Down to a place where your focus is on all the stuff you do not have…

Down to a place where you cannot have creative ideas…

Down to a place where you feel stuck and overwhelmed and unable to shake it.

Let’s be real, honey…

You don’t really have a clue how others are actually doing

Or even what they did to get what you think comes so easily to them now, so let’s lay the judgements down.

And instead, bring yourself back to a place of love, of possibility, of creativity and it wil never happen while you feel all resentful about how much you have already done.

Are you having fun wuth your work?

If not, how can you bring that back into it — Where you do the work simply because you want to do the work, rather than thinking of all the rewards all the time.

Yes, you can have the rewards but they are more likely to come when you are immersed in the joy of the work that you do.

So, how can you make it fun again?

1.Count your blessings

Go on, right now, write down a bunch of things you are grateful for. From the smallest thing to the hugest thing. Write it all down. And feel the feeling of gratitude for the good things in your life at the moment. There is always something to be grateful for even if it is simply the fact that you have a roof over your head or a smartphone on which you are reading this. There is always something. Look for it and even the act of looking for things to be grateful for will turn your mind back towards possibilities rather than resentments.

2) Again, gratitude

This time, be thankful for what you are yet to create. Write out what you are working towards and be thankful that it is coming to you.

Be thankful that you are more than capable of making dreams come true, if you allow yourself time.

Be thankful for the enjoyment and ability to do work that you love.

Be thankful for the monetary rewards that are on their way to you.

Be thankful for everything, current or about to happen.

3) Deliberately send love

Are you feeling resentment towards someone who seems to be progressing faster than you? Send them love anyway. Wish them well because honey, you cannot welcome into your life something that you curse in another’s life.

Look at that person and realise that they are showing you what is possible for you and be thankful for it. It elevates your thinking and your actions because if they can do it, why the heck not you?! So be thankful for that.

4) Don’t wallow & Stop feeling entitled

It just eats up your time! If you are vaguely resentful of your Higher Power for not making it all easier for you and honey, I have felt that way before so no judgement! Just let it drop though. Spirit withholds nothing and while you are sending resentment that way, you are not focusing your energy on coming up with the best thing you need to do next to win and create your vision.

So be thankful that Spirit wants you to have everything and that you have access to a bottomless vat of wisdom and so you can now simply figure out the next thing to do. Focus your mind on what you are working towards and focus your mind on making it fun to do so that you can do whatever it takes for as long as you need to, in order to get the result

5) Mentor & mastermind

Isolation is one way to get your mind stuck on things that hold you back. When you are alone, you don’t realise that you are not alone in feeling as though nothing is working at this stage in your journey and so that increases the intensity of your resentment and depression. You have no one to run ideas against and you start to wallow in self-pity.

However, having a mentor and/or being part of a mastermind will help you realise that actually, you are not all that hard done by! it will make you grateful for the fact that you GET TO do this work. It will help you see that you are not alone and you can get encouragement and motivation from others on the same narrow path as you are. It will also help you see that there may be holes in the action you are taking. Maybe, with a few tweaks, there are some things that you could add to the mix that will change everything!


There is something about gratitude that raises your energy level. It connects you with Spirit in a way that nothing else can and when you are feeling connected and at a higher energy frequency, new ideas pop into your head. Your intuition works so much better than before and you feel powerful.

Drop the resentment

Pick up gratitude instead

Follow the tips above


Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live

Because you want to

PS — Want that mastermind group? Join the Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Club now at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/dmfasttrack for just $9.77 a month or $97 a year. Come join in with other powerful entrepreneurs. Lets change the world together.

PPS — Want to go VIP? Join the Club then send me a message telling me more about your business and your goals and I will send you out some information about working with me on a one-to-one basis.

The FASTLANE TO $10K starts on Monday and you can get your whole business mapped out and handled if yuo join before Monday. Let my team and I help you with the technical parts of your business, the advertising parts of your business and I will coach you one on one to take the actions you need to take to get to yoru first $10k month fast. Private message me with details of who you are and what business you are in adn what you want to make happen.



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!