Do It Afraid!
Walk away from pain, even though you are afraid.
Start that business, even though you are afraid.
Book that flight, even though you are afraid.
Have that conversation, even though you are afraid.
Approach that client, even though you are afraid.
Make that offer, even though you are afraid.
Put on that advert, even though you are afraid.
Go to that party, even though you are afraid.
Give that speech, even though you are afraid.
Challenge that authority, even though you are afraid.
Do that livestream, even though you are afraid.
Leave that religion, even though you are afraid.
Wear those clothes, even though you are afraid.
BUY THAT CAR, even though you are afraid.
Move house, even though you are afraid.
the fear is not real.
It is just a figment of your imagination.
But it feels real. OH SO FREAKING REAL, I know!
And yet, you are bigger than the fear.
I mean, YOU CREATED THE FEAR so you know what?! YOu can create the courage too.
You can face into the fear, see it for the paper tiger it is and in that moment, choose to rise up and do the thing that you long to do.
Be the person you long to be.
Have the stuff you long to have.
And to hell with anyone who thinks less of you for being all that you are.
AWAKEN, my love and do it afraid until you realise that there is really nothing to be afraid of.
Train yourself to savour that feeling of stretch because you know you are growing & becoming so much more.
You are rising up as the powerful warrior you are & have always been.
Do it!
Do it.
Such amazingness awaits when you simply DO IT!
Please remember.
1. Your vision is your permission.
2. You are capable of your calling.
3. You are much more powerful than you realise.
4. Yes you can get everything you want.
5. You are enough. You are worthy. You deserve the very best of everything.
I am giving away my book, for free, at the moment. The Amazon Bestselling ‘Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM book: Live free, wealthy and on purpose — Stop living for the weekend and start doing what you want when you want…deliberately’ Let this book help you release old ways of thinking that keep you trapped on a lower level than what is possible for you. — Pop over to
Much Amazing Love