Everything You Need Is Available In Connection To Source
You are so loved and yet, you hold yourself apart from love.
And then you wonder why life feels like a struggle.
You feel like it is you against the world and that you are losing.
And it is a world you created by holding yourself apart from love.
It might be because some person made you think the Divine (Who IS love, by the way) is some kind of tyrant, ready to kill you when you step out of line.
Or it could even be because you have been taught that all good things come in the next life and so you need to worship this tyrant of a deity who will send you to everlasting fire, if again you step out of line.
Please be honest with yourself, is it really love if the only reason you ‘love’ is to avoid hell? If somewhere at the back of your head is this fear that you have not quite met the mark and that despite all your best efforts, you might still end up in hell anyway!
You cannot feel safe in that kind of love and so, of course, you hold yourself apart from it. And it might be quite subtle what you do. YOu look the part, you say the right words but underlying everything is fear that you are just not worthy enough.
Of course, you think it is you against the world.
I understand what is happening but you are still holding yourself apart from love and total prosperity and I KNOW you could create a truly amazing life, if you would get deliberate about what thoughts you allow yourself to believe.
You are a divine being and you are in your full power when you own that. But if you are scared to fully surrender to the Divine within you then you will always be somewhat powerless.
And yes, you can experience a level of prosperity because you are still pretty awesome but you will always feel unfulfilled because YOU ARE.
I long that you experience total freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance and unconditional love but you gotta get deliberate about handling the silly beliefs you carry.
There is no avoiding this.
The Divine does nourish & replenish you but only if you will allow it.
Will you?
Please remember
1. Your vision is your permission.
2. You are capable of your calling.
3. You are much more powerful than you realise.
4. Yes you can get everything you want.
5. You are enough. You are worthy. You deserve the very best of everything.
I am giving 2 of my books away for free at the moment. The Amazon Bestselling ‘Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM book: Live free, wealthy and on purpose’ and the BRAND NEW book: ‘DELIBERATE MAGIC — The art of deliberately designing a free, fulfilled, financially abundant and love-drenched life.’ Each book will help you release old ways of thinking that keep you trapped on a lower level than what is possible for you. — Pop over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/bookfree
Much Amazing Love