Member-only story
Fear Is Not Allowed To Determine Your Future
Lean in…
Lean against the very edge of your comfort
Break through that zone
And stay out of it.
Yes, it is tempting to allow yourself to snap back into comfort and you probably will do it a few times but you do not have to stay snapped back in the stagnancy of your comfort zone.
Everything you desire is on the other side of fear
If anything, the fear is pointing the way to what you want…
It is EXACTLY the direction you need to go in
So do not allow fear to keep you small — LET IT PROPEL YOU FORWARD, if it must do anything.
You hear the voice of the Divine within you, calling you out, calling you deeper into yourself, calling you to elevate your consciousness, to allow yourself to truly prosper as you step into the person you are created to be.
As you shout louder about your business and how you can serve people…
As you ask boldly for the sale
Listen to that voice.
That still sweet voice
That does not change according to fear.