Give Yourself A Break
Come on! Give yourself a break
You have overcome a lot
You are still standing
Yes, you made some mistakes
So what?
It is all part of your growth
Do you not realise that all this self-judgement makes you unavailable for your own prosperity?
It makes you unavailable for the intuitive nudges that would lead to your $5K months
You simply stop being a clear channel because your focus is on self-flagellations and punishment
Drop those old dogmatic ideas of right and wrong
Does this help you?
To dwell so completely on the mistakes made?
Does it fix anything?
Does it take you back in time so that you can change what you did?
You are expanding and becoming more
Mistakes will happen
Keep your focus on the goal, not the drama along the way
FREE yourself to prosper
And while you are at it, grab a free copy of my Amazon Bestselling Book — The Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM book: Live free, wealthy and on purpose —
Much Amazing Love