Honey, They Cannot Read Your Mind
“They don’t care about me!” yells the voice in your head.
“If they cared, they would KNOW how I felt about that”, the screams continue.
“If they really loved me, they would never have said/done that!”.
You get more and more agitated while the offending party is oblivious to what it is that they are supposed to have done.
You tell friends and they sympathise with you.
You feel justified in your rage and you sense that you will not put up with this for much longer.
And a wave of sadness comes over you as you realise that it is happening again.
Just when you thought you could be happy and stay together with him/her forever, it is ending again.
You feel alone again.
“Why does this always happen to me?” you wonder.
But if you are honest, you kinda expected it, didn’t you?
You did not expect it to last and so, I guess you proved yourself right again.
There really are no good people left.
And definitely no one who could truly care about you.
But I wonder, my love, did you ever really ask for what you want?
Or did you just expect that he/she would know ‘if they loved you’?
Please think about it.
Did you ever have a clear discussion or did you come into the relationship with your walls up, ready to retreat behind them the moment you suspected you could be hurt…again?
I believe we can all have thriving, amazing relationships, but it takes courage.
The courage to be real and vulnerable, particularly when you are not sure if it will be well received.
And yet, you are used to hiding. Maybe you saw this game-playing behaviour with your parents and thought that that was the way it had to be.
Maybe, it is the only example of relationships you have seen.
But are you done with replaying this same pattern?
Are you ready to heal?
I invite you to work with me in the OPULENCE CIRCLE this week as we talk about the victim consciousness and how it affects everything in life and keeps us from prosperity.
I invite you to come into the Circle and share your heart so that I can support you in seeing where you may be attracting the same situations repeatedly.
Will you come? RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/opulencecircle