If They Do Not Support You, Stop Talking About Your Vision With Them


Listen, your dreams are precious and there are many who would have you believe that you are just too much.

Don’t believe them.

Your dreams, your visions are yours to create.

They are sacred.

Honour them.

Do not allow others to belittle them.

You need no one’s approval to live out your dreams.

Your vision is your permission.

For too long, I sat on my awesome butt, trying to be accepted by those who did not understand the powerful vision I had within me. I thought they were right and I was just too much. I tamed myself to suit everyone else. Even though I rebelled on the outside, on the inside, I desperately wanted their approval.

It was such a waste of time.

I finally realised that it was MY LIFE, MY TIME, MY DREAMS!

And if anything was ever going to happen then it was the Divine and I that were going to create it.

I took the limits off and went all in.

I more than replaced my pharmacist income.

I get to do the things that I had dreamt about doing.

Things that many told me, would never make me money.

Things like marry my husband of 18 years.

Things like be younger and fitter now than I have ever been.

And it is such a privilege to help so many others get everything they want, despite what people had to say.

The truth is that you and the Divine are LITERALLY UNSTOPPABLE!

So, stop listening to those who have chosen to be stopped, who now try to stop you. they may mean well, but they are NOT YOU!

Again, your vision is your permission — Go for it with everything inside of you!

And allow yourself to prosper as you get back on your true design path.

Join me for the SIMPLE 14 DAY MIRACLE EXPERIMENT — Let me show you the spiritual side of opening up to everything you desire.

There are 2 parts to every win — The inner work and the outer. In the last 7 days, people on this experiment have received pay raises, $1500, new business opportunities. What will your miracle be?

Come join in for just $7 — We go live on Sunday. Register now at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/dlmiracle

Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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