Isn’t It Time You Transition To Aliveness?
I remember the dark 4 years where I lost my mojo.
After working so hard to get where the world told me I needed to go, I had gone bankrupt, I felt like a failure and I was now 4 years into a deep dark depression I called ‘The Blank’ because I felt nothing inside. I had gone numb the day after the bankruptcy. I was 7 months pregnant with my first baby and this was certainly not how I had envisaged my life.
But let me be totally honest, I had not done anything to change my course.
Until the bankruptcy and the depression, I had passively thought that life would pan out great because… well because, I just thought it would.
I had gone along with what family, friends, spiritual leaders, bosses had wanted from me. I had thought that was the nice and responsible thing to do. I had talked a good game about what I felt called to do but I was waiting…waiting…waiting for permission from ‘who knows who’ to finally get stuck into my calling.
Waiting…waiting…waiting to be sure, to be clear, to have a fully laid-out pathway and another word from the Lord before I would finally do what I felt called to do.
Thankfully, I had deliberately chosen my relationship or else, that too may have been planned for me and God knows who I might have married in order to keep everyone happy!!!
Finally, I woke up to the fact that I had to get a heckuva lot more deliberate than I had been but still, STILL, I had no one to tell me that the only reason I was not living the life I desired totally, was because I was not choosing to.
I was choosing to stay asleep and go the way of everyone around me.
It took me a little while but I woke up totally and I got on my deliberate life path. And life opened up immensely.
And now, I come to you, because I know what it is like to be asleep and to feel as though there is another way but to not know how or if it really truly is possible.
To wonder if you are deluded for thinking that life could be different when everyone else seems to find a way to be happy with the status quo.
To even wonder if the Divine wants you to stay stuck in place doing what you are doing or else be struck by lightning and end up in eternal fire, or worse, end up the laughing stock of everyone that stayed on path whereas you, with your high-faluting ideas, gets nothing. (I know it should not be worse but it kinda some days feels like it just might be!)
I have created a place for us — I call it the OPULENCE CIRCLE and you are invited to immerse yourself in new ways of thinking & being because until you realise there is another way to think, you will forever be trapped in wondering and waiting.
Come LEARN the art of deliberately designing and creating a prosperous life based on your true design.
Will you come?