It All Comes Down To Love

It is easy to forget why you do what you do in the heat of everyday challenges…

And I certainly forgot yesterday…

All kinds of events being thrown at me…

Facing fears…

Teaching children…

People trying to tell me what to think…

Me forgetting that I don’t have to listen…

Me forgetting that I always have a choice…

And so reverting back to being a victim…

And then recognising the old conditioning as it reared its ugly head…

And then taking back my power.

And this morning, I read a post from a friend who I have not seen in ages…

And it reminded me that, regardless of differences, it all comes down to love.

I do the work that I do because love compels me…

Love for myself and a deep desire to leave my dent on the planet…

Love for the people I am called to and a deep desire that they leave their dent too…

I KNOW I am not called to everyone…

So, I put my thoughts, sometimes really private, quite scarily vulnerable thoughts out there in the public arena in the hopes that someone who is living in bondage thinking they are alone, will see and know that they are loved.

That they are still worthy…

That they are not to be ashamed and guilty…

That it is not too late for them…

That they too can be free…

That Spirit does care…

That they are not abandoned…

And that there is more than one way to think and live…

That religion is not always right!

that their sexuality is not something to be ashamed of…

That they do not have have to say ‘yes’ and make everyone else’s agenda more important than theirs…

And they can make money too, if they want to…

And this can be offensive to many…

But I am not called to them…

Project 334k is not Project 7 billion…

In fact, it is a small percentage of the whole world though, I do love all people…

But for now, it is Project 334k

That is the call on my heart.

To love them…

To call them out.

To tell them that they can live out their calling.

And that their calling may not be conventional…

Their calling may need them to leave behind the rules of regular norms…

To be brave and bold and still to know that they are loved anyway!

And yes, it makes some people nervous…

And so they huddle together…

They watch for things to judge and to complain about…

And then I am supposed to stop what I am doing to listen to the smallness…


I am done with that.

Honey, what compels you to live out yoru calling?

And who/what will you allow to stop you?

And in summary…

For me, it simply is all about love.

First of all, I love me, I love who I am, I love what I am called to…

Sometimes, I get angry too so I am certainly no angel…

And sometimes, I get hurt, very hurt…

And fearful, ‘shaking in my hands’ high level fearful…

And then I try to hide…

I try to tone me down…

I want the 7 billion to like me again…

And then I remember…

to come back to love

And also that I get one life

And I am done with performing like a trained pet…

And honey, I was trained!


So it may be harder for me than it is for you to stop listening to those external whispers that seek to control me…

Because deep down, I want everyone to love me.

But I know I cannot live my life from that place…

And so I tap back into Spirit, receive unconditional love from Him and simply get on with it.

Creating, creating, CREATING!

Protecting my space…

Repelling anyone that needs to go elsewhere for support or community…

Repelling anyone that tries to force me to think their way…

Repelling anyone that tries to get me to say ‘yes’ when I want to say ‘no’…

And choosing to love those who respond and come into my world of their own volition.

You may want to consider doing the same, if you do want to do something worthwhile while you are on this planet.

And remember simply to love.

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live

Because you want to.

PS — The Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Club is for you if you are an entrepreneur or small business owner who wants more customers, clients, recruits while doing what they love — Find out more at

And for a more intimate mastermind, take a look at



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!