It is never EVER about the money

You might tell yourself that the reason you cannot do this or that is because you have no money…

You can pretend that the reason you do not invest in yourself is the money…

You can keep living your boring old life telling yourself that, if you like…

And it would be a travesty…

It would be such a waste and you will know it deep inside…

You will know that you did not do every single thing you could do to make your dreams come true…

Your dreams of changing people’s lives.

Your dreams of travelling and seeing more of the world…

Your dreams of building a business that makes you come alive…

All of those dreams will be dashed because you keep telling yourself that you do not have the money to make it so.

And let me tell you something now…


The truth is, You have not yet made it a ‘MUST’

because honey, you are that person who gets whatever you set your mind to…

You are that person who, whatever you touch, turns to gold and people even tell you that…

And now, you want me to believe that you cannot have it all because you do not have the money to make it happen!



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!