That Jealousy & Inferiority Is Toxic To Your Prosperity


She got the thing you wanted.


He seems to have more than you.


And you do want to be happy for them but there is this feeling inside of you that everyone else seems to have it easier than you.


It is a feeling that you have carried for a long time and in some ways, it makes you angry that you have to push so hard and still not get where you want to go.


But you do not know their story, my love.


And even if you did, does it help you to feel this way?


What if I told you that you are holding yourself apart from prosperity?


What if I told you that you are blocking your own energy when you do not handle this stuff?


What if I told you that EVERYTHING you desire is waiting for you to get into alignment with it?


It is like you are standing on the ground floor of the building that holds everything you desire. You have all this luggage that you consider precious and so you do not want to leave it behind and go upstairs because you are not even sure that what you want, is upstairs.


People tell you that it is as they go about their day, having jetted upstairs, got what they wanted and gone on with life to the next floor. They are even standing there, at the top of the stairs telling you that there are gifts with your name on it up here. Just leave all that luggage behind and come on up.


But you do not trust anyone, do you?


You think they just want to part you from what you have and so you hold on tight to your precious luggage and stay on the ground floor.


Weird analogy, I know but it is what you are doing.


It is like you cannot hear.


Will you start to hear now?




Whatever you see in another, you can create too.


Just let go of the stuff that holds you down and go the freak UPSTAIRS!


You will feel happier and lighter and more at peace.




I invite you to come do life with me in the OPULENCE CIRCLE.


Let’s shift you.




Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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