Keep Pulling Your Mind Back — DO NOT SURRENDER to the low vibes

This morning, I returned from France…

Early, early, EARLY this morning…

And for the last 2 days, we have been at Disneyland Paris all hours of the day!

AWESOME time indeed

But I must admit, being out and about all day throws me a little off kilter…

I like time to think, breathe, be on my own…

And when I do not get those moments at regular intervals through the day, I go a little crazy…

Bearing in mind that I am a home-educating mother of 3 and a business woman with clients to support and at the moment, a property to find tenants for, as the old tenants move on…

I am used to a certain amount of chaos…

But even so, I take these quiet moments through the day

But in Disney land, I did not take said moments…

We were together all the time…

And the princesses and my hubby wanted to ensure they got all the rides and shows and EVERYTHING done…

So yep, I was going a little crazy in the head…

I noticed my mood going down, down down…

And I had to be even more vigilant about pulling my mind back over and over and over again…

And when you get in that state, you start to wonder if there is even a point…

You start to beat yourself up for being human…

Now, I am not one for making excuses for myself but I do know and I even mentioned this to one of my daughters, there is NEVER EVER a good reason for shame or guilt.


Neither of those emotions solve anything.

So, I had to catch myself repeatedly going into guilt and shame for letting my mind go to crazy places…

But can you see what happens?

It starts as a simple negative thought…

When indulged for whatever reason, it attracts more negative thoughts…

And then, the owner of said negative thoughts starts feeling a little hopeless to change how negative they feel…

And then to compound it, they start to tell themselves a story of how unworthy they are because they allowed themselves to feel negative

And then they add shame and guilt to the mix

And then

And then

And then

Suddenly they are under a pile of poop

And it all feels so real

And so insurmountable

And so they stay sunk under a pile of poop.

Except, that is not me.

I have my moments, for sure

But I remember finally that it is ALL A LIE!


And so, in that moment, I write a few intentions/affirmations in my journal…

Listen to something uplifting — my music album, for instance

Remind myself who I am and KEEP DOING IT UNTIL IT TAKES

And I write a blog like this or do some other service because it takes the attention off the crazy mood and helps me think loving thoughts of YOU!

Which then attracts more loving thoughts

And more happy awesome thoughts

And then I take myself off to the gym for spin class

And while I am there, I will keep repeating positive affirmations to myself while ignoring the fact that my legs and heart are on fire…

I might even have a bit of a inter-dimensional competition with Papa or some angels as we compete for who can pedal the fastest…

Yep, I am a bit loopy but I tell you it is great fun to do that! And the Divine is pretty fun to play with!

And then I will come home feeling high vibe again, ready to get BEACON OF LOVE AND LIGHT out to you before the end of the day (WOOHOO! New workshop coming!)

Ready to handle the property stuff and get in touch with prospective tenants while managing the exit of my current tenant and ensuring the house is left in a good state for the next awesome family…

Ready to get my awesome princesses back into their education…

And so on.

Yep, it is going to be a good day!

So tell me, where is your mind at?

What are you normally immersed in?

Has negativity become the norm for you?

So normal that you do not even realise that you are wlaking around with a cloud over your head?

Would you like change?

It is pretty impossible to attract good things into your life experience when you are permanently living in a low vibe state. I invite you to take a look at the OPULENCE CIRCLE…

As I said to a new member who mentioned that she is changing for the better since joining the circle…

“The OPULENCE CIRCLE is about immersion.

You are right now being immersed in a new way of thinking, being and acting and that is why you are changing in so many ways for the better.

And you will always be immersed while a part of the circle. It can feel like nothing is happening and then you realise that everything has changed because it is an immersion. Sometimes, it happens via the text posts, sometimes it is via the videos I do, sometimes, it is the #SpiritSpeak. Most of my new programs are created first for the members of the OPULENCE circle and so, there is always something new happening.

Use the #SpiritSpeaks, do the #DailyCheckIns whenever you desire input and to stay connected with the life of the group, watch the videos and come in as frequently as possible to allow the immersion to change you from the inside out.”

So, again, I ask you… What are you being immersed in?

Are you ready for change?

Check this out —

Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!