Love Is The Strongest & Most Powerful Force On Earth
‘Love’ has been used to control you and so now, you see love as a weakness.
But the limits you experience in your business, in your income, in your relationships are because of your inability to be loved.
Those who controlled you then, still control you now.
Are you not done with that?
You are not shy of hard work and I applaud that in you.
But it is not that kind of work that is now required to improve your life.
It is the inner work.
The very work you try to avoid.
The work of growing a business is simple enough.
There are simple things to do repeatedly.
And yet, because of these inner holdbacks that you are unwilling to look at, the simple has become complex and hard and blocked.
It is like pushing hard, beating down, seeking to destroy a solid brick wall with a feather.
How long before you give in and settle for less?
You are capable of so much more and YOU KNOW IT.
But you are losing heart.
You are beginning to wonder when it will be your turn.
You are tired of making promises that do not come through.
And you doubt yourself more and more each day.
But you are a fighter.
And you do not give in easily.
So you are still going where many would have put up the white flag.
I invite you to join WIN THE WAR WITHIN.
Do the inner work to create the highly-profitable business and happy life you desire.
It is within your reach, my love.
Just a few inner tweaks, that is all.
If only you understood just how loved you are.
If only you understood what love really is.
Your past is NO indicator of your present unless you KEEP LIVING FROM THAT FOUNDATION.
You have the power to change your foundations.
You KNOW this.
You have been spiritual enough to know that there is more for you.
So learn Deliberate Life Design.
Learn self-mastery.
See your life expand beyond measure.
Much Amazing Love