Love Yourself & Be Kind To Yourself
So many things you think you should have done by now.
So many judgments you make about yourself and your worth that are not so flattering.
Honey, that will not make you better.
that will keep you focused on the things that you do not want and you will just keep creating more of the same.
Love yourself, mistakes, warts and all.
Be gentle and kind to yourself — You have always done the best you can in each moment.
Beating yourself up does not make you act differently — You already know this or else you would be the most perfect person on the planet by now with all the self-flagellation you indulge.
You are worthy of your own affection.
You are worthy of the best of everything.
You are on the exact right path for you at this moment.
And you can choose what you want to see happen next.
But it is by loving yourself that you grow and expand and become all that you are called and born to be.
So, love yourself with abandon.
See your flaws and love them to bits.
Enjoy who you are.
And keep your vision in mind and start stepping towards it gently, gently, loving yourself every step back or forward.
You are powerful creator when you are operating in love.
AWAKEN and START HERE: The Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM Book — You have been conditioned to downplay yourself and as you break the ties you have with old beliefs, traditions and dogma, you will begin again to hear your true self and this book will help you with that — Pop over to and you will also be invited to the writing of my new book — DELIBERATE MAGIC where you will learn simple techniques to deliberately design the life you desire.
Much Amazing Love