Loving Yourself
If you really loved yourself, would you keep doing things you do not want to do?
I think not, you would get clear on what you want and you would get to work making it happen.
If you really loved yourself, would you keep staying in relationships that stifle your spirit?
I think not, you would know you are worthy of unconditional love and you would never allow anyone disrespect you.
If you really loved yourself, would you never ask for support?
I think not, you would know you are worthy of every assistance on the planet and you would ask for help as many times as you need to, until you get EXACTLY what you want.
If you really loved yourself, would you keep pushing the ‘dark’ parts of you down?
I think not, you would shine a light on all of you and LOVE & ACCEPT yourself, no matter what. You would stop apologizing for being yourself and doing what you do.
If you really loved yourself, would you keep walking around with low-level sadness telling yourself that this is the adult condition?
I think not, you would shift back into your true design life and shed everything that keeps you off path.
You long to prosper in every area of life and yet, you hold on so tightly to nonsense.
You long to prosper and yet, you still do not trust yourself enough to hear the divine whisper within that calls you back home to yourself. You refuse to act on that intuitive nudge, no matter how clearly it shouts.
You long to prosper but you think it is self-indulgent to take proper care of yourself inside and out and so you keep putting everyone else’s agenda first, hoping that in doing that, they will give you what you want.
How will you ever allow yourself total prosperity when you are treating everyone and everything else as more important than you?
Win the war within.
The war for your true design life of freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance and love.
The war for your mind.
Love yourself enough to truly prosper in every area.
Join me now at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/winthewarwithin
Much Amazing Love