Member-only story
Maybe the rules about what you can or cannot do, are all manmade…
I have never fit in…
Never been a regular kind of girl…
Not black enough to fully understand my African family or be understood by them…
Not white enough because, well… I am simply not white
And I see the world through different lenses than most people…
Always one for dreaming bigger than my ‘station’…
Always someone who wanted everything NOW, not later…
And always one with ever-expanding goals that people tried to spiritualize out of me…
“Oh, you must learn to be content, Rosemary”
“Good things come to those who wait, Rosemary”
“Less is more, Rosemary”
“Wait on the Lord, Rosemary”
“You cannot just have whatever you want, Rosemary”
“Stop being so selfish, Rosemary… And you call yourself a Christian!” (eyes rolled for effect)