Member-only story
No Tear Is Wasted. No Pain Goes Unseen
Yes, it gets tense on the Deliberate Millionaire path to peace and plenty.
Emotions run high, then low, then high, THEN LOW.
It can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions.
You are learning to trust the Divine and stop looking to the physical reality as your source but until you do learn to calm the mental & emotional craziness, it will feel tough.
Please do know that none of it, is wasted.
As you remain focused on your vision and keep taking the next step, regardless of how emotional you are, you expand and become more.
You become the person that can handle the glorious vision you are creating.
Do not rest on your laurels now, though it might be tempting to throw in the towel as you wonder if you will ever get ‘there’.
You are a winning machine so it is INEVITABLE that you will create the prosperous, peaceful life you desire and focus on.
So, just keep moving forward with vision in mind.