Open Letter To The Driven & Determined Spiritual Souls Who Want To Change Lives & Create Wealth
You know you are born for and capable of something more.
You know you are powerful.
You are here to make a dent on the planet
You are here to change lives and make a difference.
AND YOU CHOOSE TO create a heckuva lot of wealth, as well.
However, life has not always been kind to you.
Yes, you have overcome many things but a part of you has felt pushed around and betrayed by the people in your life and the events of your life.
However, you are done with the sad story.
You have always been willing to do what it takes to overcome and now, you are even more FULLY COMMITTED to finding your path to total prosperity in every area of life.
You KNOW it is on you to get over the inner nonsense that sometimes clouds your judgement and though you are more comfortable with working harder and harder to get what you want, you finally see that that is simply not enough.
And you recognise that it is not enough to fast and pray either.
You are ready to master yourself, look into the dark places and heal whatever needs to be healed so that you can create the life AND online business you want without all the holdbacks.
You are not looking for a saviour. You are not looking for a life or business coach to save you, to give you the ONE answer that will change everything.
You already know that you are pretty strong, thank you very much!
You KNOW that YOU are the miracle, the answer, the magic.
You just need a little support from a coach/program to see through the mire within yourself.
You know you are born for more, so much more.
And you are ready now to go beyond just working harder or praying harder to mastering your inner world too.
✅ You want to TRULY understand how to use intuition/connection to the Divine because you sense that the wisdom you require is going to come from within.
✅ You want a highly profitable and fulfilling online business that affords you great freedom to do what you want when you want with whoever you want, with no concern about how much anything costs.
✅ And you want prosperity in ALL areas of your life and you are no longer willing to settle for less.
You are willing to get rid of anything, anyone that gets in your way because you finally realise that the only way you can really be of service to anyone is when you have mastered your inner world and put clear boundaries in place against energy vampires in your life.
You are done with wasting your life, trying to be all things that people expect of you.
There is a hunger in your soul to come alive.
You know there may be a transitional period of time that may be painful but you are ready to grit your teeth and do what it takes to go the distance.
You want more for yourself and your loved ones, you know you are capable of more and you are certainly done with looking for magic bullets.
You are truly ready to do what it takes, until it takes.
This is your moment and you are ready to rise.
There is a hardness, an edge to you brought on by fighting so many battles.
But beneath the anger and frustration and tough exterior, is a softness.
A beautiful softness that seeks expression.
It will take courage for you to let this part out because you have been hurt so many times before.
But you are done with trying to be something you are not.
You are ready to trust that the Divine/Higher power/ higher self/ whatever you call ‘Source of all there is’ is definitely backing you up, as you step deliberately into your true design life/business.
You are ready to trust that the ENTIRE Universe will support you in your becoming.
Though trust definitely does not come easy to you.
You are ready to embrace ALL OF YOU — the hard and the soft, the dark and the light, the feminine and the masculine, the action-taker and the playful, child-like side.
You finally see that the softness is not weakness.
It is truly a HUGE PART of your strength.
If this resonates with you, then grab your free copy of my Amazon Bestselling Book — The FREEDOM Book at
It is time to break free of mental blocks to success and this book will help you do that.
It is time to begin your transition to a more fulfilling and a highly profitable online business doing what you are called to do and also one that generates more than your current income.
Much Amazing Love