Self Mastery


I feel like I have discovered a new word though it has been around forever.
As I was putting finishing touches on my BRAND NEW program — WIN THE WAR WITHIN — I got to thinking about what it is that i am trying to get across to peeps.
I hear from a lot of people with dodgy relationships, business not working, money not working, health in the dumps, anxious that they will never make it, wondering what their purpose is, full of self-doubt and unable to move at all and so on.
Ultimately, they are in pain.
And I get it.
I have handled my fair share of pain.
And still do when I am breaking through to a new level.
However, I was in permanent, chronic pain when I lived passively.
When I thought that life was happening to me and there was nothing I could do about it.
And being more of a left-brained person (though you may doubt it, with all my singing and writing and such but I am), I never quite understood all the wishy washy spiritual experiences and such. Even though I had known Papa forEVER!
I needed detail and steps and facts so I went a-looking when I was in enough pain (read bankruptcy, 4 years of depression, successful in the wrong career (pharmacist) and then business (property investing)!)
And finally I created a system that gave those to me — DELIBERATE MAGIC.
It allows me to master myself.
It allows me to KNOW myself.
It allows me to connect to Papa in a real way.
It allows me to see when I am off course and allowing my energy to go all over the place.
And it gives me daily structure which means that though I hate routine, I do have a flexible routine that means that I am daily creating the life I want, rather than allowing life to just happen to me.
And that is what WIN THE WAR WITHIN is really about.
Yes, it is about manifesting prosperity in every area of life.
But the only way that happens is with self-mastery.
For most people, the biggest reason that they have not achieved every desire in their heart is simply the fact that they have left it to chance and hope and a prayer that things will happen.
Even for people like me, who would count themselves as focused and determined, there are areas of life we try to pretend, do not exist and that means that our energy is split.
That is not self-mastery though it does look like you are charging forward and taking action and all that stuff but you are scared of the darkness within which means it has mastered you.
A decision I made a few years ago, was to SEE.
To SEE what was lurking in my dark places and to handle it because I was fed up with it handling me!
It has been scary, at times, to fully face and let go of things causing me pain — Ain’t it strange how we fight to keep pain!!!
I, like many, had stories of why I had to have that pain in my life — responsibilities and being ‘loving’ and avoiding hell and many more great sounding reasons to hold on to pain.
But when I got serious about self-mastery, I could no longer hide behind those lies.
And I am thankful because it means I have created a rather beautiful, peaceful, happy life and still I continue to grow.
So, honey, here is WIN THE WAR WITHIN (WWW) — My 4 week self-mastery and manifestation program. I invite you to take a good long look at it and to join in.
Because everything you desire will be found when you tap back into your personal power on the path to self-mastery.
Yes, it will demand that you face into your dark places and that will be scary at times but the results are so WORTH IT!
And surely, you are done with the pain of knowing you are living well beneath your potential.
Anyway, Enough from me for now.
WWW is here —

Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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