She called Me A Liar!

Those were the words I woke up to, this morning…

“ANOTHER LIAR” was a comment left on one of my videos ( by someone who does not know me personally, has not tried the experiment I proposed but was very definite in their opinion of me.

In the video, I was explaining how I had tried the Simple 7 Day Experiment and the results that happened for me as I chose to trust the Divine to be my unlimited supply and there in bald words was the comment — Another liar.

My first reaction was simply to delete it while smiling because as you choose to step into your calling in a public space, there will always be those that hate on you for no other reason than the sadness and boredom of their own life and you gotta get used to it, if you do want to have impact. No point getting all het up about it…

But this time, I decided to respond with…

“And I guess you get to keep your life just the way it is. Much love.”

And that is the sad thing…

This person ended up being okay after a few lines of conversation but a lot of people who should be in this community, getting on the Deliberate Life Path, opening up to prosperity, breaking generational setbacks, will not do it because of their fear of being scammed. And so, they will keep the life they do not even want because they are too scared to try something different.

Bear in mind that most of these people have NEVER actually been scammed but their inner distrust of anything that comes too easy, is their downfall.

Life has been so hard that if it seems too easy, it is looked upon with suspicion…

They are looking for the catch.


And they think this is wise.

These are people who are spiritual and/or religious and who will have been in church or on their knees, their whole life, begging and pleading with the heavens for respite…

However, unless divine respite comes in the way they want it, with trumpets sounds and angels and a voice from the clouds saying “This is your respite”, they distrust everything the Divine tries to do to get their attention.

How foolish.

And the crazy thing is, even if the angels and clouds and trumpets did happen, they would still probably find something to doubt…

I see now why Jesus said

“How could I describe the people of this generation? You’re like children playing games on the playground, yelling at their playmates, ‘You don’t like it when we want to play Wedding! And you don’t like it when we want to play Funeral! You will neither dance nor mourn.’ Why is it that when John came to you, neither feasting nor drinking wine, you said, ‘He has a demon in him!’? Yet when the Son of Man came and went to feasts and drank wine, you said, ‘Look at this Man! He is nothing but a glutton and a drunkard! He spends all his time with tax collectors and other affluent sinners.’ But God’s wisdom will be visibly seen living in those who embrace it.”

I really hope you are not one of these people…

I guess you are if you have not done the FREE experiment or joined BORN TO BE PROSPEROUS!


The good you are seeking is seeking you but you are getting in your own way.

That is pretty darned crazy.

Let me remind you of a few things…

Prosperity is your divine heritage, if you will claim your good.

Life does not HAVE TO be hard, complicated and hell-ish

The Divine will support you, if you will open yourself up to more and stop being so close-minded…

You are a lot more powerful than you give yourself credit for.

And yes, you are capable of your calling.

Starting pretty soon is BORN TO BE PROSPEROUS — The 8 week program to raise your wealth consciousness, open up to more prosperity. The program that enables you to let life be easy, rich and more fulfilling. The program where, if you will take part, you can expect miracles. I KNOW you need to join in. You are still here reading so I know that my work resonates with you FOR A REASON!

the Divine is trying to get your attention…

Will you listen?

Will you join in?

Or will you keep sitting on the sidelines, judging people to be liars when you have not dared to enter the fray?

Much Amazing Love, whatever you choose

Rosemary Nonny Knight



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!