It is not pride to admit who you are.
It is not humility to play small.
It is also not wise to continually beat yourself up.
You are too close to your own brilliance to truly see it. We all suffer from this. We have all been conditioned to downplay our strengths and there is self-contempt because we are too familiar with ourselves.
We forget that there is a reason that we are here.
We forget that nothing about our lives, experiences, skills, strengths, is wasted.
We start to feel like just a number in the crowd.
And yet, the voice within calls you out.
It reminds you of what you are here to do, to be, to have.
Listen in.
Do not overthink and second-guess.
Create something and put it out in the world, regardless of how much you may think that everyone else already knows or everyone else is already doing it or whatever.
No one is you and there is no mistake about you being here in this moment in time.
There is value to what you have to offer and in who you are.
Much Amazing Love