Let’s talk a little about sin…

For the most part, religious people see this as some kind of wrongdoing, based on rules they have been taught by some person standing at the front, sounding knowledgeable…

Religious leaders in the past, and possibly in the present, have used the concept of sin to keep people stuck and trapped in fear using all manner of graphic storytelling to feed people the lie that the man in the sky would shoot them down with lightning bolts if they continue ‘sinning’…

Parents and teachers have also used the concept of sin and wrongdoing to scare children into submission — It is tough to govern a classroom of 30 or more energetic children, don’t you know? And parents do it for the same reason — Keep their loved little ones under control, at least, until they leave home!

These days, we have terrorists using sin to make people do all kind of atrocities as a penance to this deity in the sky who will now grant them paradise if they just do this one thing to atone…

Ultimately, sin has been linked to fear

Fear leads people to live in anxiety as they try to get everything right and appease their VERY CONDITIONED consciences — Even the non-religious have conditioned consciences — You went through school, right? You watch the news and politicians, right? NOPE, you are not exempt!

Fear can also lead people to give up on trying to be free of ‘sin’ and start to count themselves unworthy of any good thing and so, they live lives of compromise and yukkiness because they really do think that they have gone beyond redemption.

Fear leads to a very clouded mind…

Fear leads to people being stuck and trapped living in sin…

But what if sin is simply living outside of your true design? The true design for your relationships, your wealth, health, work and connection to Source…

You will not be punished for sin — You are already living the consequences of it…

There is nothing to feel guilty about…

And definitely no one waiting to judge you and send you to a fiery pit for all eternity…

Sin is just simply something to notice…

And then you get back into alignment again with your true design…

It could be that simple…

But there is all this fear and self-doubt and anxiety and worry in the way…

Conditioned into you from birth and you do not completely realise just how much your life is run by fear and anxiety


You can choose to recondition yourself…

You can choose to begin responding to the still small voice inside of you that points out where you are out of alignment…

You can choose to get back on track to your real life…

You can decide JUST. LIKE. THAT!

At the snap of your fingers…

But mostly, humans don’t…







But surely, you start to see now that you do not need to live that way anymore…

You are spiritual and you caught a glimpse of what it can be like to live in love…

You KNOW you can be connected to love deliberately ALL THE TIME!

You know that you are safe, loved and fully supported

At least, you do in theory…

What if you chose to start living from that belief and knowledge, rather than continually allowing fear and anxiety to rule the day?


And yes, to begin with, it will need to be a moment by moment choice

“What is the best thing I can do right now to keep me in alignment to my true design, my true vision?”

You might even need to get clear again about what your vision really is, as you have spent so long dampening it out and living to the agendas of those around you…


You know you are powerful enough

It is time for fear to stop having such a huge say in your life!

You are born for more than this


Let me help…

Grab a copy of the BRAND NEW Program: THE ABUNDANCE OVERFLOW

Let me teach you simple strategies to get unblocked…

And let’s build your life on a foundation of love

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Much Amazing Love

Rosemary Nonny Knight
The Prosperity Minister



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!