Stop Being So Completely Left-Brained


Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

You sense that there is more to you and to life, more than you can touch or see or experience with your 5 physical senses and yet, yet, YET, you choose to live limited to your 5 senses.

Your left brain.

Your masculine side.

Your logical side.

The side of you that thinks you have to fight for your survival because everyone is out to get you, to suck you dry, to persecute you.

But you seem to forget that you do not want to just survive.

You want more than that but your inner fears just will not let you let go and trust.


I guess all you get is what you see and no more.

And I guess you can try to be happy with that but if you are anything like me, then you probably will not be happy.

Though you will keep searching for happiness in more drink, food, entertainment, experiences, sex, drugs and so on.

You might even turn to religion or maybe, you are already there, wondering why the hole within you, is still not filled though you are jumping through all the hoops like a good little christian or whatever it is that you are.

You dabble at the thought of growing your business.

Maybe you even make a little bit of a start but nothing happens because you cannot quite leave the shore — That is where your security lies.

In the tangible things and even though they do not satisfy, you gotta hold on tight! They are all you have, right?

Your security also lies in being able to control everything and everyone or lash out when you can’t, while at the same time, feeling like the victim of everything and everyone, right?!

This is your left-brain gone amok.

This is your inner masculine pretending that it is the only game in town.

When there are 2 parts to you.

The left and the right.

The masculine and the feminine.

The logical and the intuitive.

And the right brain in you just knows, without reason or logic, what would actually feel good.

The right part of you longs for connection to the Divine within because it knows that true happiness cannot be found out there in the striving and the pushing and the shoving as everyone fights for limited energy.

The right part of you longs to be heard.

The right part of you is the only part of you that actually will be able to come up with the ideas that will catapult your life to the heights you really desire, when partnered with the left side of you.

And yet, like most of the world, you still do not understand just how much you lose when you try to logicalise and reason your way through everything.

When logic and reason tells you that your very survival is dependent on things and people external to you which you do not have control over, is it any wonder that all your energy is used to figure out which hoop the world needs you to jump through so that you will be accepted, loved and given a steady income?


Are you ready to break free yet?


Are you ready to reconnect both parts of you so that you CAN BE free?


I played this game of left-brain craziness for a long time.


Until I broke.


I could not do it anymore.


And it has been a journey of letting go, since then.


I will not pretend that it always feels hunky-dory.


It does not.


When all that you considered to be your security is either stripped away because you desire something higher or people you thought would come with you, choose not to or you choose to walk away because you finally see that it was all built on the wrong foundation and you can no longer keep it going, that can be scary.


I understand why most people will not want to walk this path.


And yet, the inner peace I feel growing within me as I learn more and more to trust the Divine, even in the bleakest of bleak times, I would not swap for all the riches of the world.


I sometimes feel a little like Jesus when he said “I have overcome the world” for at least a moment before some other big scary thing comes and roars at me.


But I continue to bounce back quicker and quicker as I trust deeper and deeper.


I tell you like it is because this is a faith walk.


The end is not always clearly in physical sight.


You just KNOW within you.


People around you will think you are crazy.


They will even try to make it your fault that they feel bad as they see you growing and choose not to join you.


They, of course, think you must be losing your marbles and you understand because, once upon a time, you too would have felt that way so you learn to forgive and let them go quickly because you know now that you cannot afford to stay in a place of pain & resentment for too long as you have your true design life to be creating and a limited time in which to do it, here on this planet.


And you get the choice — Keep going or succumb to false security.


A security that is dependent on you jumping through all the hoops again.


I choose freedom, whatever the cost, because I know my true source is within.


Again, I ask you if you are ready to break free.


The thing I know about holding on so tight to a life you don’t much like is that it already hurts.


It already feels bad.


It already feels empty.


The chances are that you already feel alone.


And the only reason you keep it going is because it is all you know.


And you try very hard to distract yourself with all manner of things but you know what I am talking about, if you are that person I am speaking to.


I guess if you are still reading, you may well be.


Are you willing to break free?

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Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
The Deliberate Millionaire

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!