Stop Indulging Fear & Doubt
It is one thing to have a scary thought.
It is a WHOLE OTHER THING to still be thinking about it 10 minutes later.
It is one thing to have a moment of self-doubt.
IT IS A WHOLE OTHER THING to then refuse to do anything because that one moment became your whole day.
Just get a hold of yourself, my love.
If you do not, who can?
This is your life we are talking about.
And though we can look for all the childhood roots and the young adult hurts and all that stuff forever, when it comes down to it, you have to CHOOSE to stop indulging the nonsense.
You are NOT your thoughts.
they are just a possibility until you make them permanent by CHOOSING to stick around and play.
And yes, I see just how much you have accomplished already so I KNOW that you do not allow this to affect you in every area so why do you do it when it comes to the things that matter the most to you?
I guess the question answers itself.
And so you get scared that you will lose it or never even get it.
And you have been disappointed in the past and all of that.
And be honest now, you are just plain comfortable in your discomfort.
Are you done with that yet, my love?
BEcause love calls you upwards.
Love calls you to be more.
Stop indulging the fear and doubt.
They are no friends of yours.
I invite you to work with me in WIN THE WAR WITHIN.
Let me show you, step by step, how to master yourself and master the deliberate design of your life.
You KNOW you are worthy of so much more.
YOu KNOW you are capable of so much more in all areas of life.
So, let’s claim it.
It will take determination but I know you have a lot of that.
You just need a little focus and direction and I can give you that.
Work with me for 4 weeks in WIN THE WAR WITHIN: Ultimate 4 week self-mastery and manifestation program and witness what seems to be miracles but are really just the power of a very FOCUSED YOU!
Find out all the details at
Much Amazing Love