Member-only story
I see you
Holding hands with the Divine
Feeling loved
And then, you broke the connection by looking down
Paying lots of attention to your current worries and issues
And you forgot who you were and who was holding you…
Just like the story of Peter, seeing Jesus walking on water…
Peter decides to join him
And HE DOES IT!!! WOOHOO! He is walking on water — Wahey!
Anything was possible!
Then he looked down
Realised he was WALKING ON WATER! And for goodness sake, there is gravity and so on, how can this be?!!!!
And then he started to sink
He broke the connection with the Divine
Got enamoured by the physical
Just like you
Remember the exhilaration of knowing you are loved and cared for and supported…
Remember who you are
And who you are one with
Look up
Look into the eyes of the Divine
And know you are fine
More than fine
And keep walking 🚶
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Much Amazing Love