Stop Wallowing In The Past!
No more guilt, shame, fear…
It all ties you to a past that you no longer desire
Let go of that…
You have learnt whatever lessons needed to be learnt, right?
Now let it go
SERIOIUSLY! let the past go! Who the heck does it serve for you to keep wallowing in regret and pain?
It may look like the punishment for past mistakes helps you not to make them again but actually, it is a cop-out
You need to get on with life and you are using the past to stay stuck. Be honest with yourself so that you can free yourself
What is the vision? What is the big idea? What do you want?
Focus on that
Let every move take you there
(Not just take you away from the pain of the past)
Be deliberate about your actions
Keep it as simple as checking in with yourself — Is this getting me where I want to go, or not?
If not, do not do it, think it, be it
If yes, do it.
Free yourself from the shackles of expectations and emotional baggage — Grab a free copy of my Amazon Bestselling book — The Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM book at
Much Amazing Love