Stop WIth The Conflict Resolution! Let Go


Listen, honey, your priority is to create the life you desire.


Not to sort out every petty argument you have with anyone.

Love them.

Release them.

It is not loving to force resolution just because you are ‘supposed’ to.

And if you are both caught up in some power struggle about who is right or who is wrong then how on earth can you ever get it sorted? When neither of you is willing to take time to shift your negative energy.

And while you tell yourself that you HAVE TO resolve it because that is what you think love would do, you are taking your energy away from the deliberate design of a life you adore.

Please note that everyone that used to be in your life, does not have to ALWAYS BE in your life.

You can love people from afar.

And in fact, in some cases, it is best that you do that.

It is such a crock that so many people are caught up in arguments and conflicts with people and they are all so hellbent on fixing it so that every single relationship in their life works and the only reason they are doing this, is because they think that they will never find love anywhere else.

It is all done from a place of lack.

And also a place of drama addiction.

And also as a distraction from the life they think they cannot create.

So instead of giving time to their own desires, they get stuck into drama while telling themselves that THEY HAVE TO sort out every argument because it is what good loving people do.

SO MUCH TIME AND ENERGY WASTED fixing relationships that might spontaneously resolve when even one party chooses to elevate their inner consciousness by connecting to the Divine & getting on with living their real life, rather than continuing to exist within this drama bubble.

I know it seems selfish to simply walk away but seriously, it is not.

WALK AWAY! Your life is too precious to spend trying to prove yourself right or even trying to find a way for you both to win. It is okay to let go.


Please wake up and LIVE YOUR REAL LIFE!

Much Amazing Love

PS — FREE YOURSELF from the tyranny of conditioned beliefs that keep you trapped in drama circles that you could do well without. Grab a free copy of my book — THE DELIBERATE MILLIONAIRE’S FREEDOM BOOK at



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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