Take Back Your Power
We get so focused on trying to be right, trying to prove that they are wrong
Does that get you what you desire?
No, it does not.
Forget what ‘they’ are doing, or did or will do and start focusing in on what you want.
Get to work creating that.
Stop giving your power away to things or people that you cannot control and instead focus on what you can do something about.
Who cares about your skin colour, sex, environment, upbringing and whatever else you may think gets in your way?
Others have prospered despite these very same challenges so why the heck not you?
Take back your power, my love
Remember your divinity
Walk in your true design
Forget what they are doing, DO YOU BOLDLY!
Free yourself from these unnecessary holdbacks
And if you are that spirit-driven soul determined to make at least $5K online doing what you want to do, grab a free copy of my book — THE DELIIBERATE MILLIONAIRE’S FREEDOM BOOK: Live free, wealthy and on purpose at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/bookfree
Much Amazing Love