That Job Took Everything Out Of You, Why The Frick Are You Desperate To Go Back There?


That is the question I have to ask people.

They hate their job.

They get opportunities to do something different and instead of taking the opportunity, they just keep trying to get back to the job.

I understand your family needs your wage but seriously, THEY NEED YOU MORE!

They need you to be present with them, rather than drained and tired when you are there.

They need you to live a long healthy life, not to get taken out by some mysterious illness just when you thought you had paid enough dues to take a moment to relax and be with family.


They need you to not be so ORNERY with them because you are so frustrated that that boss or that colleague treated you horridly but you slapped on a smile and took it. And then came home and vented on them.


SERIOUSLY, honey, why are you desperate to go back there?


Now, I made my transition and I did not do it all in a hurry so I understand responsibilities and bills and all of that stuff.


However, there is a shift in perspective when you know that the job is temporary, and when you know that it is funding your TRUE DESIGN work.


There is a sense of just biding time because you KNOW you have given yourself CHOICE.


Too many people tell themselves that they have no choice while opportunities are yelling at them from all over the place.


And because they feel they have no choice, they feel powerless to bring about change in their own life.


What a pity.




Do not let that be you!


I am doing a workshop on Sunday — HOW TO EMPOWER OTHERS & GET PAID ONLINE




EVERYTHING, and I do mean EVERYTHING that I PAID OUT over a $100k to learn, you need to get your online business off the gorund.


If you are someone who wants to empower other people.


If you are someone who feels called to this work but maybe, like me, you thought it impossible to earn a great income from.


Well, come, let me show you how.


Let’s take what is inside you, what comes naturally to you, what seems too good to be true to you right now and flesh it out.


Let’s make it make you money but only if you are serious, of course.


Cos’ lots of people want lots of things but lots of people are not actually willing to GO GET THE THINGS.


they are waiting for another word from the Lord.


Well, let this be your word.


Join me now.



Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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