The Deliberate Design Of A Freedom Life! Honey, you can have it all if…

Freedom has got to be claimed.

It sounds free and it is free when you get it but to get it, you have to claim it…

It is a deliberate thing…

It does not just happen…

And it has to be claimed despite circumstances that make you feel bound up in work you may not love, relationships you may not adore, in a body you may not like, with a bank balance lower than you would like and debt higher than you would like etc etc

FREEDOM is yours by birth but you have to claim it.

If you get nothing else from this post, please understand that.

You were born with big ideas, with dreams of all you could accomplish and in times gone by, you even started to go after everything and then life began to throw curveballs at you…

You know you are capable of more and yet, you are tempted to settle for less…

EXCEPT there is a whisper inside of you that keeps reminding you of who you could be if you just did not quit.

This whisper, of course, is a blessing and a curse…

Because you almost wish, some days, that you could just settle…

Just be happy with the normal job…

Just be happy with the normal life…

Just go to church and sing the songs and be happy…

Just talk about the weather and the latest movie with your friends and be satisfied…

Just be NORMAL, for fuck’s sake…

But you can’t.

You are born for, and capable of, more, honey!

You are too powerful for all of that and yet, there is also weakness inside of you…

And it is called passivity…

Passivity seeks and longs for approval from everyone around you…

Passivity is scared that if you really go after everything, you will be alone…

And being alone scares you…

And so maybe you have already settled for a relationship that does not fulfil you but you think it is all you can have…

Or maybe you keep pushing down your doubts about your religion so that you can be accepted by your friends and religious leader…

Or maybe you keep saying yes to the agenda of family and friends while your agenda lies fallow…

And you are stuck doing work you dislike but think you must do…

Or worse, you are a stay-home parent, using your children as an excuse for not playing full out in your life…

And you are hungry, so hungry from freedom from this life that everyone told you, SHOULD make you happy but it just makes you feel like a caged animal.

When you are born to be free.

And purpose-driven…

Deeply connected to Source and Divinely guided to prosperity in all areas…

And yet, you are not being deliberate, honey…

No, you are not.

You are passively waiting to be given permission…

And no one is coming…

Because everything you need is already there within you…

And the crazy thing is — YOU KNOW IT!

You are just playing scared and telling yourself that you have no choice…


You can just choose to deliberately design a FREEDOM life because…

Your vision is your permission…

You are more than capable of bringing it all to life…

Source is already within you, waiting for you to wake up and ask for support and actually follow through on what you hear…

It is all, already there but you are waiting…



Getting resentful…

Wondering when you will have been good enough…

Wondering when you will find space in your very busy life to pursue YOU!

Wondering when your parents, children, friends, partner will no longer need you

Honey, wake up…


It is not handed to you on a platter…

Is it not time you went on your own spiritual journey?

A journey to remember who you really are…

A journey to reclaim your freedom…

A journey to get clear on what your life is about…

A journey to deeper connection with Source within…

A journey that results in you living a life of fulfilment, abundance, happiness, following the calling on your life.

Honey, it is time to wake up to FREEDOM

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live

Because you want to.

And before you go, I put a book together for you — PRAY. AFFIRM. RECEIVE — How to get clear, stay clear and take action to get what you want out of life —

It is for the spiritual mavericks (independent thinkers) who want deeper connection to Source, crystal clear clarity on their purpose and are willing to take action to create a life of calling — Connection. Clarity. Calling.

If that sounds like you, you need to read this…

Chapters are…

Chapter 1 — The Obsessed Take Home The Winnings!

Chapter 2 — Get Connected To Source & Receive Secrets That Are Hidden From The Masses

Chapter 3 — Own Every Part Of Your Powerful Self, Including Your Sexuality

Chapter 4 — Stop Looking Back

Chapter 5 — Religion Kills, Spirituality Gives Life

Chapter 6 — Love Wins… Always!

Chapter 7 — You Have A Superpower. Are You Using It?

Chapter 8 — Whatever You Are Doing Over There, Is Not Prayer — Here’s How To Get Everything You Feel Born For…

Grab the book at



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!