The Good You Seek, Seeks You!


When you think of it, really think of it, getting everything you desire is as simple as DECIDING what you want and refusing to ever give in.


Refusing to settle for less than it.


Refusing to allow your mind to wander to ‘But what if it never happens’.


Being ONLY open to what you want or something much better.


Remember that it is the feeling behind the thing you desire that you are really looking for — The feeling of freedom, fulfilment, peace, exhilaration.


The feeling of luxury.


The feeling of love.


The feeling of being supported and protected and unconditionally adored.


That is what you are truly looking for.


And you can have that.


You can have the physical things that lead to that, just do not be attached to any one way for the feeling to get to you.


Your source is within, not in the outside reality.


Though you can certainly enjoy the practical outpicturing of your desire.


But to come back to my original point, you can have anything you really desire but you have to have the courage to stay on course until you get there.


I call it holding the tension.


It is tempting to give in because the fear gets overwhelming and you begin to tell yourself stories of how it is too much to expect that you can have that but what if you just do not allow yourself to indulge the stories.


What if you keep it simple — DECIDE what you want.


DECIDE how you want to feel as a result of having this thing.


Really lock it in your heart.


And just refuse, refuse, REFUSE to back down until you have the thing or an alternative similar thing that results in you feeling the feelings you desired or much, much better.


Ask and you shall receive.


Seek and you shall find.


Knock and the door will be opened to you.


You just need to be persistent and hold that tension, my love.


Hold it until you feel the relief of reaching your destination.


It is a bit like an orgasm when you think of it.


That tension.


that build up.


So intense.


And then woohoo! You are there.


Except this time, you never need come back down. It is not short-lived. It is the real deal and you can have that.


Have the courage to hold the tension.


Refuse to settle.




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Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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