Member-only story
The Message Is You
Honey, it is you…
The message is you!
That is what you need to be putting out there
Not spending all this time trying to figure out how to position this thing and that thing so that people will like it and maybe give you a little money for it.
You just need to believe in yourself
Really truly believe in the magic that is you
Really truly believe that nothing you have been through is for nothing
Really truly believe in the POWER OF YOU!
And yep, tack on something to sell but really, IT IS YOU!
You, your energy, your power, your story, your magic
That is what the world needs to see…
But you have allowed that very same world to make you feel small
To make you feel like you need to be trying to appease all 7.whatever billion of them
When you were never called to all of them, ANYWAY!
You were called to a select few people and they will ONLY SEE YOU when YOU SHOW THE HECK UP AS YOU!