The World Is Overflowing With Abundance For The Brave
I know what they told.
They told it to me too.
Play it safe.
Go to school.
Find a good career.
Don’t make too many waves.
Stay in that career even if it is killing your soul.
It is safe.
It is the right thing to do.
Limit your expectations.
Everyone cannot be rich.
It is enough to have enough to pay bills.
Find a way to be happy with killing off your dreams.
They are all childish fantasies.
You cannot make money doing that thing you want to do.
And making money any old how, must always be the focus.
You gotta pay those bills now.
You gotta keep up with the Joneses.
You gotta look like you have it all together.
And so on, and so on.
And you are expected to just go along with that all your life.
And everyone you know does it.
They even seem to find some happiness in doing it.
But you are not them.
And somehow, no matter how hard you try, you just cannot seem to be happy doing what they say, SHOULD MAKE YOU happy.
Yada, yada, yada, happiness comes from within and all that. You know that but ultimately, you are not happy, no matter how many mindful practices you practise!
You KNOW this is not the life you are here to create.
And try though you do, YOU ARE NOT HAPPY.
Well, are you ready to break free of the conditioning?
You can be sure that it will take boldness, relentlessness, tenacity, courage beyond what you even know right now.
You are upsetting the applecart and people in your life may not like it.
The actual things you need to do to break free, are pretty simple.
The emotions you will feel as you do these simple things, is the challenge.
This is why self-mastery is such a MUST.
It is the difference between mediocrity/sadness/anxiety — the plight of the spirit-driven soul that tries to fit into a ‘regular’ life.
And joy, exuberance, freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance — the awesome result of the spirit-driven soul who lives to the fullness of their potential.
The world IS flowing with abundance for the spirit-driven soul willing to stake their claim.
I invite you to work with me in WORK LESS. MAKE MORE.
4 weeks of inner self-mastery work and outer marketing & selling work.
You are called to something more than the normal life.
Are you willing to answer the call?
The reward for those who stay the course, is MORE THAN ENOUGH OF EVERYTHING YOU DESIRE.
Much Amazing Love