This Is NOT Where Your Story Ends


Winter came to your life.

It felt dark and sad and unending.

Of course, you kept going… You KEEP going but you wonder when this season will pass.

When will your real life begin?

You had such hopes, such dreams and then winter came.

And it seems that it will stay forever.

But not so.

There is hope.

What feels like darkness is just the season when the seed is planted into the ground — It has to die in order to birth fruit.

Unlike a seed, you have been holding on to the old shell.

You were convinced that you had to and so the winter goes on longer than it need to go on for.

The Divine seeks to help you fulfil those dreams and hopes and visions but you have not let go of the old yet.

It felt scary to let go and so you hold onto the drama and the nonsense and you tell yourself that you have to but it is keeping you from your good.

But there is hope.

Come back to your vision.

Forget what the world tells you that you SHOULD do, focus on the Divine, focus on the vision, listen for the nudges and deliberately take the intuitive step.

Yes, it may seem scary.

Yes, it may be different from everything you see others do.

But you are on your own unique path and it is yours to discover.

There is hope. This is not where your story ends — The relationships, the purposeful, fulfilling work, the financial abundance, the energetic body and vibrant health are yours, my love.

The intimate connection to the Divine can also be yours.

Just let go of the old.

Trust that everything is working out for your good.

And confidently take the intuitive steps.

Prosperity awaits.

Will you receive it?

Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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