Trust Yourself
The fear leads you down a merry-go-around path.
Spinning and twirling, feeling busy, but getting nowhere.
You become distracted by many, many things.
All things you think will lead you to where you want to go.
But they never do.
You just keep adding more things to the mix.
“Maybe, if I try this, then I will get the relationships I want.”
“Maybe if I add this other tool on, then I will get the business that I want”.
“Maybe if I read that book, then I will definitely get the body that I want.”
“Maybe I am just inherently flawed and nothing I ever do will ever work” but hey, I do not want to think that so where is the next thing I can try.
And on and on it goes as you try to feed the fear.
But it is insatiable, it will never be enough.
And so, most give up, telling themselves that they tried EVERYTHING!
Everything except face into their fear and stop allowing it to rule their life.
Everything except stay on the narrow path until the life they desired became a physical reality.
Honey, stop for a moment.
Look within.
All the chasing and racing is not getting you anywhere.
And yes, this is a fine balance because there is a certain amount of action that needs to be taken but it cannot be fear-driven.
Face into it. Trust that you can handle it.
And then ask for guidance on the next step to take and do just that.
Stop with the distracted trying of everything, hoping that something will take and you never have to grow and expand to be the person who has the results you desire.
there is no such path for us, the deliberate millionaires.
We have to be deliberate about the inner and the outer work.
We cannot shy away from any of it.
So, just stop.
The answer you are looking for, is within you.
Clear the fear so you can hear, see, feel it.
And then from a foundation of love, act, act, act.
Keep coming back to YOU.
Keep coming back to the Divine.
Build your life on this solid foundation, not the changing and fickle nature of the physical reality.
Free Yourself, my love — Grab a free copy of my Amazon Bestselling book — the Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM Book at
Much Amazing Love