We Choose To Be Free!
You are that person who has always known that you are here for something more.
And you even started life with the hope that it would all come to pass.
And then, gradually, little by little, day by day, you got worn down.
You started to believe the voices around and within you that told you that you could not, in fact, have it all.
You started to think that you were ‘TOO MUCH’.
You started to play smaller, take teenier risks, tell yourself that this is just part of growing up, tell yourself to give up and just be a regular person.
You told yourself that it was the loving relationships OR the highly-successful, thrilling, purposeful business/career but it could not be both.
You told yourself that it was your spirituality or financial abundance but it could not be both.
You told yourself that it was a healthy, energetic body or the highly successful & ENJOYABLE business/career but it could not both as you might burn out.
So you chose the relationships which are so-so & draining because they demand that you be someone other than you.
You chose intimate connection with Source but even that is so-so & you hide resentment because you feel you have to be something other than you to have it.
You chose health but you certainly do not feel all that energized and enthusiastic because you are bored, off-purpose and sad.
And it all crept up on you.
You, the achiever, the ‘make things happen’ person, the freaking WARRIOR are now just bored, sad and tired.
“Is this it? Is this all? Is this to be my life until I die?” You wonder.
And the answer is yes, because you CHOSE THIS!
But you are still you and so, now you want to choose something new but you have allowed fear to grip you way too tightly and so, you stand on the edge of the cliff about to jump and then… nothing.
You are still freaking waiting for more certainty. OH FOR GOODNESS’ SAKE, WAKE THE HECK UP!
You will never ever EVER be happy giving up your freedom.
You are born to have everything you desire and you KNOW it.
So get the heck out of your way and go create your free, fulfilled, financially abundant and love-drenched life.
Stop holding back. YOU ARE BORN TO HAVE IT ALL!
Please remember
1. Your vision is your permission.
2. You are capable of your calling.
3. You are much more powerful than you realise.
4. Yes you can get everything you want.
5. You are enough. You are worthy. You deserve the very best of everything.
I am giving away my book, for free, at the moment. The Amazon Bestselling ‘Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM book: Live free, wealthy and on purpose — Stop living for the weekend and start doing what you want when you want…deliberately’ Let this book help you release old ways of thinking that keep you trapped on a lower level than what is possible for you. — Pop over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/bookfree
Much Amazing Love