What do YOU choose for YOURSELF?
We get caught up in ideas of guilt that somehow, if we get everything we want, others will suffer.
It is nonsense.
It is falseness.
It is a lie.
Everyone gets to choose for themselves what they will settle for, what they will allow and we get to do the same.
Life in its abundance is our divine right, if we will claim it but no one, not even the Divine, will force it upon you.
If you want to live just over broke then you get to do that.
If you want to choose between having great relationships or having great wealth, then you get to do that.
If you tell yourself that you can only take the time to be healthy if you take time away from your relationships, then it will be true for you.
If you tell yourself that you can only make money doing what you dislike, then it will be true for you.
But none of that is THE ONLY truth.
THERE IS A MORE AWESOME TRUTH that you may want to take on board — You can have it all — Great loving relationships, lots of money, a youthful energetic sexy body, money-making work you adore AND an intimate relationship with the Divine.
You do not have to choose some but not all.
You do not have to have just enough to get by.
You can live an expansive life and so can EVERYONE.
And in fact, if people would truly see this, it would be fascinating to see just how creative people can be when they are not operating from fear.
So suddenly all those so-called limited planet resources would no longer be a thing because WE ARE THE ONES with the power to create whatever we desire for the planet.
But anyhoo, I am just talking to you, right now.
AWAKEN to your true potential.
ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE RICH in all areas of life.
Eliminate guilt.
Build trust that everything will and IS working out for your good.
Again, AWAKEN!
Watch out for ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE RICH which is coming to the OPULENCE CIRCLE this week — Come join us at RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/opulencecircle or get it as a standalone series when I release it later on.
Forget what others are doing.
Forget what others are believing.
WHAT DO YOU WANT, my love?
And are you willing to allow it?
Much Amazing Love