You Are Light In This World!
It is time to stop playing small
You know you are born for more
You know you are called and purposed to be messenger to many
You have overcome so much
You are still standing
You are literally unbreakable and now it is time that the world see you the way you dream of…
You know you are called to lead
Yes, I understand that a part of you thinks that it is proud to think this way but tell me this, how does it help the world for you to play small?
Look at the world as it is today, it is filled with spirit-driven souls not living to the fullness of their potential…
It is full of spirit-driven souls playing small and forgetting their power
And so others with dubious intentions, who are bolder and braver have risen up and taken it upon themselves to lead…
Is it any wonder then that the world does not feel amazing?
Honey, you are here with a message for specific souls…
Will you rise up and start to share it?
Will you break free of the false conditioning that would have you believe that it is proud to think highly of yourself?
You are light in this world
It is time to shine!
START HERE: The Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM book at for spirit-driven souls determined to build a purpose-driven business that generates at least $5k each and every month.
Much Amazing Love