You Are Powerful Creator
The way of the world is to look at what is happening to you and simply react, react, REACT!
Most have forgotten how powerful they truly are
Most have forgotten that they are creating their outer reality
And so they are trapped, going round in circles and settling for a lot less than they are capable of
They would look at us and call us deluded
They would look at us and wonder why we do not just settle, why we never seem to be satisfied
We are called by a powerful vision within us
We know we are born for more
The only question is how enamoured are you with the nonsense of the world?
Have you bought into their conditioning?
Or are you willing to tap back into the power within and become powerful creator of your reality again?
Stay focused on the desires of your heart…
Let everything you do be taking you closer to your desire
Lean into the Divine
Seek guidance
Trust it and act on fit, regardless of how scary it may sometimes seem…
Free yourself from the illusion that what you see is all there is
Deliberately design and create your life
START HERE: The Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM book: Live free, wealthy and on purpose
It is time to fully own your creator role
Much Amazing Love