You Are Worthy Of The Best Of Everything But Do You Know It?
You are so steeped in stories that keep you from prosperity.
And you do not even know it.
And because everyone around you thinks and talks the same, you really think it is the only valid path.
But you cut yourself off from total prosperity which is your divine right and so you are limited.
So immersed in the illusion, the fog, the low level vibes, the drama, the nonsense.
And it all feels like regular life so for most reading this, they think that I am in a bubble somewhere and for them, maybe I am.
But for you, the one who knows there is more for you and you just cannot seem to reach it using all the regular thinking of those around you, then consider another way.
Immerse yourself in another level of thinking.
Question what you have considered to be true.
Is there another way of seeing it that elevates you?
Or do you think it is greedy to elevate yourself?
Again, some more conditioning to keep you from your own prosperity.
Look again.
Question things.
Immerse yourself in new thoughts.
You could be the way shower for your family if you would break free but it will take a new way of thinking, a new level of awareness.
You would need to stop identifying yourself as limited.
You would need to stop identifying yourself as stuck/stagnant.
You would need to start seeing yourself and ACTING AS the creator of your own reality.
Are you willing to do that?
There is a whisper within you, calling you deeper and higher, deeper and higher.
Will you respond?
Many know there is more.
Many still go to the grave with their music in them.
Will you make the transition to a more prosperous existence?
I invite you to do life with me in the OPULENCE CIRCLE.
Come start a process of immersion in a new way of thinking about your life.
Come consider a new outlook on life.
And surely, begin to get more peaceful, prosperous results.
I call this the Deliberate Life path — It is the path to freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance and love.
You are invited, if you hear the call.
Join in from $8.88.
Much Amazing Love