You Are Worthy & You Are Enough
You keep jumping through all these hoops
Thinking that finally, at some point, you will have done enough
there is no such point because you are there already
Right now, you could decide that everything you desire is yours
Right now, you could do your work because you want to do your work, not because you think you have to earn something or prove something
Feel the release of KNOWING that you are enough
You are loved
You are safe
You are fully supported
Nothing to prove
Nothing to earn
You are there already
The physical reality may take a teeny little time to catch up but already, you are ‘there’
So you can relax
No more tension and pain
Just relief
And certainty that everything is working out for you
And you no longer have to do anything you don’t like doing, just to prove or earn something
It is an unusual way to live
Most will not even try it because it will seem lazy
But those peeps are trapped in an old paradigm that they do not even like but cannot see past.
Hey ho, up to them.
You, however, catch a glimpse of the freedom of which I speak
It is like a promise of something amazing that you crave
You feel the whisper of it, within
Download a free copy of SPIRIT-SPEAKS — 15 Divine messages to find and fulfil your life’s purpose at
Let’s begin your journey to freedom, fulfilment, Financial abundance & love
Much Amazing Love