You Can Have A 2 Way Relationship with the Divine.
Most settle for a one way ‘relationship’ where they yell affirmations, decrees, prayers at the heavens and hope against all hope that someone, somewhere will respond.
Others think that only special people can hear a response and so they never trust the intuitive whispers within.
Others beg, plead with a silent deity and sacrifice everything and fast and even go as far as whipping themselves or worse, in order to get the favour of this silent ‘god’.
And yet, it is not supposed to be complicated.
It is not supposed to be hard.
You can talk and ask questions and receive immediate responses.
You can be sure that it is the Divine speaking within.
No middle men required.
No signs and wonders needed.
Just love, pure love.
It is a relationship.
And relationships are built by spending time together.
Will you take the time?
The feeling of bliss is worth it.
The utter peace is worth it.
The power that you learn to wield is worth it.
And the feeling of safety, security, that is independent of whatever is happening in the world, is worth it.
The Divine is worth it.
YOU are worth it.
Will you take the time to learn and practise?
I can help.
Here’s 2 ways to work with me to do the inner and outer work of creating a connected and prosperous life deliberately.
1. One on One starts with a single session —
2. The Opulence Circle from $8.88 —
Much Amazing Love