You Elevate The World. Yes, You Matter!
You are an expression of the Divine.
You matter.
You make a difference just by being here.
You matter.
You being YOU, in your fullness, can change lives, hearts, nations, communities, your family.
There is no mistake about you or the vision in your heart.
You matter.
Regardless of what the world, your parents, friends, family may have said.
You matter.
The world is elevated because you are here.
You matter.
You have thought that you had to prove yourself, to earn the right to be loved and cared for.
That is a lie.
You have thought that your dreams are out of reach and you just need to settle for anything that you can get from a very hostile universe.
That is a lie.
You have even felt like a burden.
That too is a lie.
You have laid down your dreams and visions in the face of what seemed to be a hard existence.
Pick them up again.
There is a reason you have your vision.
All of creation awaits your true awakening to the dynamo that you are created to be.
You matter.
Awaken, my love, awaken.
In the eternal now moment that we all live in, the angels saw your birth and they rejoiced because they know what you forget.
The world is elevated because you are here.
You are powerful.
You are bringer of the new.
You are light-bearer.
You change the world for the better.
And before you go, please remember
1. Your vision is your permission.
2. You are capable of your calling.
3. You are much more powerful than you realise.
4. Yes you can get everything you want.
5. You are enough. You are worthy. You deserve the very best of everything.
I am giving away my book, for free, at the moment. The Amazon Bestselling ‘Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM book: Live free, wealthy and on purpose — Stop living for the weekend and start doing what you want when you want…deliberately’ Let this book help you release old ways of thinking that keep you trapped on a lower level than what is possible for you. — Pop over to
Much Amazing Love