You Loved Without Boundaries & It Bit You On The Butt


The saviour in you, wanted to rescue.

You felt you could change them.

You felt you had the answers that they lacked.

You loved passionately, rescued relentlessly, ignored the intuitive nudges that urged caution.

‘I LOVE!’ you yelled loudly to block out the fear that something was not quite right. “There is nothing wrong with loving!”

And so you ignored the rising resentment, the draining… oh the draining of your energy.

You ignored the sadness and the inner turmoil.

You kept right on rescuing.

You got a dash of relief when they seemed to appreciate you.

You felt needed and wanted and it almost assuaged the pain in your heart that you could not quite explain.

But it did not last long.

Promises made, promises broken.

And still you continued to ‘love’.

You stopped noticing that you were liking your self less and less because you were so caught up in ‘loving’ them.

And now…

Now, the bubble is burst or bursting.

And you feel broken.

How could you have given so much for so little and for so long?

And the temptation is to keep rescuing, keep saving, find someone else who appreciates you more.

Or maybe, you just want to hurt them and hurt them and hurt them for taking from you for so long and giving nothing back in return.

I guess that either reaction means you don’t have to look inside. You can keep avoiding the wasteland inside your soul. Though I guess you are not thinking this, of course.

You might still be blaming them, cursing them, hating them.

And the pain rages on inside.

Oh honey, it is not them.

It is not you, either.

This is all you have ever known so you did the best you could. You ‘loved’ the best you could.

But this was not love, honey.

It was need.

It was expectation.

It was boundary-less.

And it inevitably bit you on the butt.

Are you ready to come home to you, yet?

Finding someone, something else to save and rescue will not cure that chaos you feel inside.

Come home to the Divine.

Come home to YOU!

I can help.

It will not always feel pretty but it does not feel all that great now, does it?

Come do life with me in the Circle.

It is time to awaken and come on home.



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Written by Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!

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