You Want To Live!
Love & Trust Yourself
Love & Trust The Divine.
You tried other things already.
They left you empty.
But like most in the world, you look for the next thing.
The next solution.
The next tip that will surely work this time.
YOu do not look within.
You think that is for those who live in the clouds
And I guess, some spiritual souls can seem that way.
All full of fluff and nothing else.
But you are not them
And that is not your true fear.
Your real fear is that you will have to lose everything that you fought so hard to get and also, you are scared that people will laugh at you.
You may not like the way life feels right now but it gives you a feeling of safety and it is all you have ever known.
And you think that opening up to the Divine, opening up to love will demand that you give it all up and move to a mountain somewhere and meditate.
I guess you can do that, if you want to. A retreat every now and then is AWESOME!
But if you are anything like me, you want adventure, fun, travel, prosperity in all its forms.
You want peace, happiness, joy, laughter.
You want freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance.
And yes, you want to be love-drenched.
To know so completely just how loved you are.
And you want to LIVE! to really truly LIVE while you are here on this planet.
Well, that comes from loving and trusting YOURSELF & THE DIVINE.
Again, you tried other ways.
They ain’t worked and they will never work.
I call you into the OPULENCE CIRCLE.
Come do life with me and others on this deliberate life path.
AWAKEN to who you are.
AWAKEN to your true design.
Immerse yourself in limitless possibility.
Access every single course I have ever done as part of your membership.
Access everything I create going forward.
Receive personalised direction if you desire it.
Come —
Get started from $8.88.
Come back Home to yourself & to the Divine.
Come claim the prosperous existence you desire.
Come find peace.
It is time.